Frequently Asked Questions About Training
How much does it cost?
The cost of training depends on many different variables. It could all depend on time, length of commitment, the frequency of sessions used, and what you are looking for in your training. It’s something I can figure out after we do an initial assessment.
What if I don’t have a gym?
That’s ok! We can use the gym I train in for our sessions together and then I can create some at home workouts for you as well. I have plenty of clients, both online and in-person, that don’t belong to a gym.
What if I have certain injuries or limitations?
My favorite! We can work around anything you may have. In my training career I have dealt with a lot of different types of injuries and limitations. From double knee replacements, to even some clients missing a limb. We will figure out what works best for your body and needs.
What If I travel a lot?
I work with many clients who are out of town every single week and this still doesn’t stop them from achieving success in their healthy lifestyle. I am able to create a workout and nutrition plan that they can easily follow even when they live out of a suit case. They have every tool to be successful.
What if I don’t have a lot of time?
Time. No one has time any more these days, but we figure it out. I train people who can only come to the gym when they see me, which is only 2, and sometimes 3 days a week. We cater their workouts around only coming these few days, but we also really dial in their nutrition. Your success in this lifestyle doesn’t mean you need to be in a gym every single day. There are many different ways to fit workouts and better food choices into a tight schedule.
What if I have food limitations?
Depending on the food limitations, we should be able to work around most situations. Clients who have food allergies, or even those that are just picky about what they eat, can still be successful on this journey. When I sit down with you, we discuss your goals and I then send a questionnaire that goes in depth about what you are looking for when it comes to food. The answers from the questionnaire help me craft a plan catered to you so that you will enjoy what you eat. I give a variety of choices and don’t leave you feeling restricted or limited.
What if I don’t like people looking at me in the gym?
The gym I am in is private personal training gym. Everyone is here for a reason and no one is staring or judging anyone. I try to encourage my clients who go to a public gym, that they are there for themselves just like everyone else in the gym. Most people are working hard towards their goals and most of time are so focused that they aren’t worried about anything but their own workout. Don’t worry about others around you, just focus on your goals and you’ll forget anyone’s even there.
How many days per week do I need to work out?
This all depends on the goals we set together and what your schedule allows. This could be anywhere from 2 days a week to 6 days a week, depending on your level of fitness and how much you enjoy it. This is something I figure out with you during the initial assessment and we find out what would be best for you and your lifestyle. It’s about finding a schedule you enjoy, but can also ensure you will get results.
How quickly will I see the results of my training?
This just all depends on the person’s body and how compliant they are with their workouts. There isn’t a way to tell how fast someone can get results because everyone’s body is different. This process could take 1 month or it could take 5 months. Some people may see a decrease in their inches and body fat, but not weight loss on the scale. Others will lose weight, but not many inches. While others may stay the same weight, but lose like 10 inches. This journey is different for everyone. Even though it’s different for everyone, one thing remains the same: if you stick to the program you will see results!
Why do I have to use weights?
Weights are a key factor in my training style. Resistance training is going to help you build muscle, lose weight, lose inches and even help your overall posture. For the people that need it, it will help gain weight, grow more muscle and still help their posture. Weights will help make your everyday life so much easier and I will teach you how to use them properly.